
I AM Mode

The desktop client can also be used in I AM mode.

Method dropdown

This mode is designed so that the desktop client works co-operatively with I AM. This means that certain features such as Presence, Call settings and Call History are removed from the desktop client as these are also available from I AM Communicator. It is also designed to work exclusively through the API available, with I AM Communicator eliminating the need for the desktop client to make any direct connection to the Broadworks XSP platform*.

*In some instance an XSi/OCI call may be made when the desktop client starts to check a user is licensed to use the desktop client.

Tray menu options

I AM mode will also supress the pop-up window normally shown by I AM and instead, just the normal desktop client Preview window will be shown. Integration and call control options will be available from the Preview window as normal, except the range of call control options will be limited.

Feature Comparison

Desktop Client Feature Normal Mode I AM Mode
Toolbar features Yes No
Presence Yes No
Call Settings Yes Yes
Address Book Yes Yes*
Call History Yes No
Recent Yes Yes
Features Yes No
CommPilot Express Yes No
BroadWorks Directory Searching Yes No
Preview window Yes Yes
Call Control Full Answer,Hangup,Hold
Dialing options All All
CRM integration features All All
XSI connection required Yes No
Advanced configuration features Yes No

I AM mode relies on the required API being available from I AM Communicator. This is enabled by certain custom tags being configured against the user's BroadWorks user profile. Contact your BroadWorks system administrator for more details.

*Excludes searching of Telephone system directories.

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